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Listen to ‘Alison’ here exclusively on Bandcamp. All proceeds from now to 26th August will be going to Cancer Council QLD who did so much great work caring for Alison, and all the other thousands of people they support day in day out. Name your price, or if you can’t afford anything you can stream for free no worries :-) If you can help share and spread the word that would be amazing too!

I am proud to announce the launch parties will be

18th Aug | Brisbane |The Junk Bar, Ashgrove |3pm BUY TICKETS

25th Aug | Sunshine Coast | Foxy On Coolum | 3pm BUY TICKETS

Both will be with my dear friend and incredible artist Phil Barlow. Both will be intimate affairs aimed at connecting hearts and raw creative growth. Phil and I will be performing songs together, some 1 off compositions we have co-written, and I will be debuting a whole bunch of brand new songs off my new upcoming album. If you thinking of coming along, I’d recommend grabbing tickets ASAP to avoid disappointment. (and to put me and Phil at ease re. numbers haha!)

Daryl James’s new single ‘Alison’ sees him take a new approach in what has been described as the Bohemian Rhapsody of the Blues/Roots world. This multi-dimensional song traverses vast musical terrain. Based on a roots Weissenborn guitar groove, vocal choirs and ethereal Lapsteel guitars interweave there way though Humarimaba melodies and heartfelt lyrics.

The song also has a deep story entwined within it, which started as a seed growing to take on a life of its own.

A few years back I did a crowdfunding campaign for my debut single ‘27’, and one of the rewards people who donated could choose was a personal jingle composed by yours truly. My dear friend and Aunt in law Alison donated and chose a personal jingle, which is how the song came into existence.

Alison had been fighting cancer for a number of years and after beating it time and time again against all odds, passed away a few months ago. She was a musician herself and a deep and innovate thinker highly involved in the local community in various forward thinking and conscious projects.

Unfortunately she never got to hear the song in its final form. I felt incredibly guided in the recording of this song, and I believe her spirit lives on in it. I feel the song itself is cathartic in its nature and for all those suffering loss, I hope it can help light the way.

I worked with Alison and her team at Woodford Folk Festival, doing workshops with an instrument called a Humarimba. It is basically a giant marimba that you strap to 2 people who suspend it, and then 3 people can play it. Me and Lizz Maggs actually recorded the Humarimba on the track you can hear it underneath the guitar solo.

As always, the deepest of gratitude to everyone for being with me and making this journey possible!! Big love xx

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